Sunday, October 5, 2008

First Entry

Hi. This is my first attempt at a personal blog so we'll see how this goes. By way of introduction, I am Program Director of WMUB public radio at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. It's a great job that I enjoy very much since I pretty much get to use all the skills in broadcasting and management that I have developed over the past 40 or so years.

On the personal level, I am a husband and a father of two. My wife, daughter and son are the people who keep me honest and in my place. I spend so much time on my career and work-related stuff that I need as much of the balance that the family can give me.

In this blog, I'll plan to write about thoughts and ideas that cross my mind. Most of it will likely be about radio, public broadcasting and related matters.

I'm going to leave the "comment" setting open for now so any registered "" users can post your comments. I ask that you refrain from inappropriate or abusive language so we can maintain this open communication.

I'll look forward to hearing from you....maybe after I write something of substance. (Let's see how long it takes for me to do so.)

1 comment:

J. Moses said...

Thank you for reading my blogs! And good luck up there at WMUB!